Why Should I Clean My Cooling Tower In The Fall?

Fall Is The Best Time To Clean Your Cooling Tower

It is beneficial to clean your cooling tower to enhance the longevity and performance of your HVAC system, and there is no better time to do it than in the fall. At PROAC, we believe in being proactive with commercial HVAC maintenance and are committed to helping your cooling tower last longer and perform at its best. By addressing your cooling tower’s needs before winter, you can ensure a smooth transition into colder months and are fully prepared for peak system performance in the summer.

When Should A Cooling Tower Be Cleaned?

Your cooling tower should be cleaned twice a year; once in the fall and once in the spring. This ensures that your cooling tower remains in its best condition.

  • Fall Cleaning: Fall cleaning is crucial for removing debris, scale, and contaminants that accumulate in your cooling tower over the summer. During the peak season of summer, cooling towers often collect significant amounts of dirt, dust, and biological growth. Cleaning your cooling tower in the fall prepares your system for reduced winter operation and ensures that it will run efficiently when warmer weather arrives again. The proactive measure of cleaning your cooling tower in the fall minimizes the risk of unexpected breakdowns and the need for costly repairs, keeping your cooling tower running smoothly through the colder months and into the next peak season.
  • Spring Cleaning: To ensure your cooling tower performs its best during the hot summer months, spring maintenance is equally as important. Your cooling tower is beginning to work harder to cope with rising temperatures, and spring cleaning ensures that any remaining debris from the winter is removed for optimal system performance. This essential maintenance not only prevents seasonal problems, but also repairs any damage incurred over the winter months. Cleaning your cooling tower in the spring reduces the risk of unplanned repairs during the heat of the summer, minimizes system downtime, and ensures reliable system operation and energy efficiency for the peak season.

Should You Winterize Your Cooling Tower?

As temperatures drop, winterizing your cooling tower becomes a crucial step in maintaining your commercial HVAC system. The necessary steps can vary based on location and the type of system, so consulting with PROAC’s experts will help you determine the best approach. We will assess your cooling tower’s specific needs and provide tailored recommendations to ensure optimal performance and protection throughout the winter.

How To Winterize Your Cooling Tower

To protect your cooling tower from freezing temperatures and prepare it for the next cooling season, we recommend following these essential winterization steps:

  1. Drain The System: Remove the water from the cooling tower and associated piping to prevent freezing and potential damage.
  2. Inspect and Clean The Cooling Tower: Thoroughly inspect all components of the system, including the basin, fans, and fill material. Clean out any debris or buildup that may be present.
  3. Protect Exposed System Components: Insulate or cover exposed pipes and add antifreeze to areas of the cooling tower that cannot be drained.
  4. Adjust The Cooling Tower Controls: Modify the system controls to minimize unnecessary operation during the cold winter months. Fine-tune the settings to prevent the cooling tower from cycling on when not needed to conserve energy and reduce wear on the system.
  5. Schedule An Inspection From the Professionals: Contact the professionals at PROAC for a cooling tower inspection performed by one of our qualified technicians. We will ensure your cooling tower is properly winterized and ready for the cold.

Winterize Your Cooling Tower With PROAC

Cleaning and winterizing your cooling tower in the fall is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of your HVAC system and avoiding costly repairs. Don’t wait—schedule your fall maintenance with PROAC today. Our experts will provide the comprehensive care your cooling tower needs to perform at its best year-round. Contact us now to get started.