Harrisburg Area Flammable Dust Removal Services

Harrisburg Explosive Dust Removal

Harrisburg PA is no stranger to factory explosions having recently experienced a candy factory explosion. While many building explosions are associated with gas leaks a large number of food manufacturers struggle with explosive dust from flour and sugar. Other manufacturing plants that deal with metals and plastics produce flammable and combustible dust that can put your Harrisburg business at risk. Contact PROAC for your combustible dust removal.

Stop Flammable Dust In Your Business

Flammable dust, sometimes referred to as explosive dust or combustible dust, is fine particulate matter that has the potential to catch fire and explode when suspended in the air. Wood, metal, chemical powders, grain, and a variety of other production-related materials are frequent producers of flammable dust in industrial facilities. When dust accumulates in confined spaces, close to ignition sources, or when there is oxygen present, it becomes exceedingly hazardous. For your Harrisburg manufacturing plant, removing explosive dust requires specialized tools and experience to keep your building from risking a fire.

Schedule A Time To Speak With One Of Our Representatives

    Contact PROAC For Flammable Dust Removal In Harrisburg PA

    Contact PROAC Corp. to remove the explosive dust from your business in Harrisburg PA. Our professional dust removal can help your company stay compliant with Pennsylvania laws, keep your facilities clean, and your employees safe. Keep your manufacturing plant in Harrisburg from exploding or burning down with our proactive services.

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