Case Study: Why It Is Vital To Install A Vapor Barrier Correctly

A Hospital Construction Project That Went Wrong

Recently, a brand-new hospital was built with a full-service capabilities inside, including a laboratory in the basement. But after a few months of the hospital operating, the laboratory started to smell strongly of a dirty and musty odor. Since it was unclear where the smell was coming from, the hospital’s management decided to consult PROAC Corp. This case study examines the difficulties encountered, identifying a crucial construction error, and the extensive remediation procedure that PROAC Corp. carried out to address the problem while allowing the hospital to remain functional.

Diagnosing The Cause Of The Hospital’s Smell

Upon arriving in the lab we could tell the smell was coming from one side of the room, the side that was an exterior wall. The hospital building’s contractor resisted PROAC Corp’s request to take down a section of drywall in order to look into possible mold development. Given that it was the hospital’s exterior wall, the contractor was hesitant to alter the recently built wall. Nonetheless, the odor persisted and indicated a significant issue that was unavoidable.

Finding A Compromise To Diagnose The Mold Issue

PROAC Corp suggested a less intrusive solution to allay the fears in a diplomatic manner. This would include taking out a tiny portion of drywall from within a cabinet, which is less likely to cause major disturbance. The cause of the odor was immediately apparent when the drywall was taken down. Mold had grown inside the wall cavity, giving off an overpowering stench that indicated a serious moisture issue.

Finding A Major Moisture Problem

Okay, the exterior wall is accumulating moisture at a large rate. Why? How can we stop it? After more investigation, PROAC Corp discovered that the block wall’s exterior remained consistently damp despite using many fans to dry it off. Because of the serious and ongoing moisture issue, PROAC began to suspect a problem installing the vapor barrier. The exterior wall of the hospital was below the level of an external retaining pond, which created a risk of water seepage.

Finding The Root Cause Of The Hospital’s Moisture Issue

PROAC Corp took away the fill from outside the hospital’s foundation in order to determine the underlying problem. This uncovered a crucial construction error: the vapor barrier wasn’t installed correctly. The barrier unintentionally directed water from the roof downspouts straight into the side of the building rather than away from it. A moisture-perfect habitat for the growth of mold was created in the basement by this architectural defect that enabled water to seep into the walls.

How Large Was The Moisture & Mold Impact On The Hospital?

The laboratory wasn’t the only room along that outside wall. The kitchen and pharmacy were also impacted by the moisture and water. Due to the possibility of mold exposure, this pervasive problem presented serious health hazards and endangered the hospital’s ability to operate.

Our Mold Remediation Process

To resolve the problem with the least amount of disturbance to hospital operations, PROAC Corp. developed a thorough strategy. The essential actions to remove the mold effectively were:

1. Resolving the Vapor Barrier Installation Error

The crew at PROAC Corp painstakingly put in place a new vapor barrier that successfully redirected water away from the structure. To stop any more water penetration, this required rerouting the water from the roof downspouts and making sure the barrier was firmly in place.

2. Drying And Repairing impacted Areas

Every impacted room was meticulously cleaned. PROAC Corp. used industrial-grade fans and dehumidifiers to dry the walls completely. The mold-contaminated drywall was carefully removed and replaced with fresh, mold-resistant materials.

3. Mold Removal & Remediation

PROAC Corp used modern mold remediation procedures to remove every trace of mold. In order to stop mold development in the future, this method involved cleaning and treating the block wall that was underneath the drywall.

4. Additional Mold Prevention Measures

In order to provide long-term protection, PROAC Corp. put in place mold-resistant coatings and made sure the affected areas had enough air.

5. Working With The Hospital’s Schedule

For the hospital to remain operational, we worked closely with them, closing down only one room at a time. Our work and scheduling with the hospital allowed for them to remain operational and experience minimal disturbance while we worked to repair the rooms and remove the mold.

Never Underestimate The Importance Of A Building Vapor Barrier

The significance of correctly installing vapor barriers in commercial building is shown by this case study. A apparently insignificant mistake might result in serious problems, including mold development, which can cause massive costs for a business and endanger the health of its occupants. In addition to solving the immediate issue, PROAC Corp’s comprehensive investigation, efficient cleanup, and proactive tactics protected the hospital’s operations going forward. This project demonstrates how important knowledge and meticulous attention to detail are to preserving the operation and safety of commercial buildings.

Contact PROAC Corp. For Hospital Mold Remediation

PROAC Corp provides dependable solutions for businesses and organizations dealing with mold issues. We work to ensure your business stays operational and safe. If you suspect moisture or mold issues in your building, contact PROAC Corp immediately for a professional examination and remediation plan.