Frequently Asked Questions About Cooling Towers.

Cooling Tower FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Cooling Towers

At PROAC, we receive many frequently asked questions about cooling towers. From “why is there so much water?” to, “is there any chance we can repair our cooling tower?” We are here to give you our most common answers to cooling tower repair FAQs. Find your answer below or contact us to assess your specific situation.

Why Is My Cooling Tower Water Overflowing?

If your cooling tower is overflowing, it is likely your nozzles are clogged, and water is unable to flow through the cooling tower system.

Why Is My Cooling Tower Water Leaking?

One of the most common causes of a cooling tower leak is a busted valve or a crack, damage or a seal has broken. Additionally, your cooling tower may not be leaking, your air handler may be having problems. Your air handler may have a damaged drain pan or clogged condensation drain line.

This can cause serious damage to your cooling tower or air handler, or the insulation around the cooling tower. Contact PROAC for cooling tower repairs.

Why Is My Cooling Tower Rattling?

A rattling cooling tower can be caused by internal leaks and issues that should be looked at immediately.

How Often Should A Cooling Tower Be Cleaned?

At a minimum, you should clean your cooling tower once a year. It would be best to clean around your cooling tower before greasing the tower’s bearings. The amount of times a cooling tower should be cleaned depends on the preventative maintenance done to the cooling tower as well as certain environmental factors.

Buildings located near the ocean or highways that have a large amount of salt spread should be cleaned more regularly to prevent corrosion. Some cooling towers also have dirt and debris build up due to nearby trees.

How Often Should A Cooling Tower Be Greased?

For optimal functionality and longevity, a cooling tower’s bearings should be greased every 3-6 months.

How Often Should We Maintenance A Cooling Tower?

At a minimum, cooling towers should have maintenance annually. If you regularly grease and clean your cooling tower, you will be able to hear rattling or spot leaks in advance. This will avoid more costly damages.

How Often Should My Cooling Tower’s Oil Be Changed?

For most cooling towers, annual oil changes are perfect. Make sure you check the gearbox for oil changes. The gearbox is an area that always needs a healthy supply of oil to keep it operating.

Can My Cooling Tower Be Repaired?

Yes! Most times, we are able to repair cooling towers. If it is simply a broken part of the cooling tower that can easily be replaced. Beyond simple repairs, your cooling tower can be refurbished.

Should I Replace My Cooling Tower?

Only if you have to. Your cooling tower should be refurbished by any means necessary.

Is It Worth Refurbishing A Cooling Tower?

If your cooling tower can be refurbished, it is almost always financially wise to refurbish your cooling tower.

More Questions About Cooling Towers

Have more questions about cooling towers? Ask us! At PROAC, we regularly answer questions about cooling towers and provide our customers with help and professional consulting to fix their cooling tower challenges.