How Often Should You Change Commercial HVAC filters?

Your business’s HVAC filters are like the kidneys that keep your blood healthy – catching dust, debris, and other airborne contaminants to maintain great air quality in your commercial setting. Like many good things, your HVAC filters won’t last forever. Regularly replacing them is crucial to create the perfect atmosphere for your business and prolong the life of your HVAC system. So, how often should you really be changing your commercial HVAC filters?

Factors That Impact Your Business’s HVAC Filter Replacement Schedule

How often you need to replace your commercial HVAC filter heavily depends on what your commercial space is used for. Byproducts and debris from business activities, particularly in manufacturing settings, can clog HVAC filters. Along with replacing your HVAC system’s air filters, you should regularly maintain your HVAC system. We provide professional HVAC repair services.

What Can Build Up In Your HVAC Filters?

Depending on your industry and commercial building, a variety of things can build up in your HVAC filters:

  • Office Building HVAC Air Filter Build Up: While dust and grime always build up in office air filters, we have found microplastics from work party confetti, pollen, and grime from the outside of the building.
  • Hospital HVAC Air Filter Build Up: Hospitals need to keep their air clean and filtered for the health of their patients.
  • School HVAC Air Filter Build Up: Just like an office building, we find the normal dirt and dust build up, but in many cases, we find mold issues with schools due to the timeframes they are left vacant in the summer.
  • Manufacturing HVAC Air Filter Build Up: We typically find whatever you manufacture. The work your manufacturing plant produces results in dust, and a lot of it. Your filters usually have to be cleaned more often.

Maintaining a consistent replacement schedule for commercial HVAC filters is essential for businesses operating in harsher settings with heavy machinery, chemicals, grease, and oil. Relatively clean settings, such as schools and office buildings, need to change their HVAC filters less frequently than other types of businesses.

How Often Should You Change Your Commercial HVAC Filters?

It is recommended that relatively clean business settings, such as offices and schools, change their filters on a quarterly basis, or once every three months. Although hospitals are also considered typically clean settings, their HVAC filters may need to be replaced more frequently, either once a month or quarterly, depending on the type of commercial filter being used to maintain optimal air quality. For businesses engaging in manufacturing activities, it is recommended that their commercial air filters be replaced as often as once a month, depending on the materials used in the facility.

Can You Clean Your Existing HVAC Filters?

Yes, you can if possible, but it is best to replace them. Replacing or cleaning your HVAC filters should be determined on a case-by-case basis, but for the most part, you should replace your commercial HVAC filter.

Many business owners ask us if they can just clean their existing HVAC filters instead of replacing them altogether. However, the answer to this question depends on the type of filter used by the business’s HVAC system. Reusable and washable filter options are available, but they may not be the right fit for your business’s needs. Reusable filters are not compatible with all HVAC systems, so it is important to consult an HVAC professional to find the right filter for your system.

Benefits Of Maintaining An HVAC Filter Replacement Schedule

Regularly replacing your business’s HVAC filters is essential to extend the life of your entire HVAC system. When filters are not changed regularly, it is common for airborne contaminants to clog the filter, making it difficult for air to pass through. This causes a strain on the system as it must work harder to push air past the clogged filter. Strains to commercial HVAC systems not only lead to expensive breakdowns and part malfunctions but significantly increase your business’s utility costs through higher energy consumption. If the filters are clogged, they will not be as effective and will ultimately compromise the air quality of the business space. Replacement of HVAC filters regularly will result in improved air quality and allergy relief, catching allergens and irritants in the filters and saving your business money on energy and repair costs.

Contact PROAC To Replace Your HVAC Filters

Contact us at PROAC Corporation to have your HVAC system professionally serviced and maintained. We would love to change the air filters and duct work on your HVAC system and make sure your office’s air quality is exceptional. Contact us today for a free quote.