In many manufacturing companies, combustible dust is produced from the work and materials present. Whether you manufacture food or tools or materials, the dust build-up from your product can result in hazardous working conditions, wear and tear on your machinery and an unsafe work environment.

Removing your explosive dust and cleaning the explosive dust from your manufacturing facilities are vital to your workplace’s functionality and growth. PROAC Corp provides professional explosive dust cleaning services. Our years of experience and knowledge will make sure your combustible dust is removed safely and effectively.

Combustible Dust Cleaning Services

PROAC does more than sweep the surfaces of your machinery and clear the floor of your manufacturing plant of flammable dust and particulates. Our experience and knowledge in facility cleaning and maintenance ensure we clean explosive dust from those hard-to-reach places.

Safely Removing Combustible Dust

At PROAC Corp, we know the importance of safety. When we clean your industrial building, we use explosion-proof vacuums that are grounded and ensure static electricity cannot be produced.

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    High Surface Cleaning For Combustible Dust

    The flammable dust doesn’t just settle on prominent surfaces; it can build up in your ductwork and in the filters of your HVAC system. Dust that is on top of your ducts or over your ceiling lights is just as explosive as the dust on the ground. Contact us to clean your industrial building and remove dangerous dust buildup.

    What Is Explosive Dust?

    PROAC team member removing dust from facility.Explosive dust is a type of dust, usually a waste product within a manufacturing facility, that is explosive, combustible or flammable.

    Some facilities we have worked in do not realize they have a large amount of flammable dust or combustible dust. OSHA performs combustible dust hazard analysis and requires many facilities to fill out a DHA (dust hazard analysis) every 5 years. While management may be aware of the dangers of combustible dust, many workers may be unaware, and this leaves your facilities exposed to fire hazards and dangers.

    Common Facilities With Explosive Dust

    There are a variety of manufacturing companies that must deal with the dangers of flammable dust; some we have helped are:

    • Food Manufacturers: Many common foodstuffs and ingredients are surprisingly flammable. Sugar, grain dust, cocoa powder, and other powders pose a serious risk of combustion. This often occurs during grinding or milling, where heat is generated and excess dust can escape from the equipment.
    • Metal Manufacturing Facilities: Due to their fine particle sizes and reactivity, metals like aluminum titanium are extra combustible. We work with these manufacturers to ensure that their dust collection systems are running most efficiently, and will clean these explosive dusts before dangerous buildups can occur.
    • Chemical Manufacturers: Chemical manufacturing comes with lots of inherent risks, but explosive dust is often overlooked. Sulfur, plastics, and rubber materials are some of the common materials that bring about the risk of combustion for chemical manufacturers. Certain chemicals also need to be kept under pressure, which only increases reactivity when exposed to an ignition source.
    • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plants: Just like in chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical facilities experience combustible dust as a byproduct of grinding, coating, and mixing. Not only do these particles have the potential to explode, but prolonged exposure can cause a number of unpredictable side effects, ranging from respiratory problems to seizures.
    • Plastics Manufacturers: With the amount of plastics being used in products today, the risk of a plastic dust explosion is all around.

    Dangers of Flammable Dust In Your Facilities

    The dangers of hazardous dust buildup are obvious. Your facilities can be at constant risk of a fire, an explosion that injures and burns the place to the ground, or one cigarette butt away from your facilities being closed permanently. Not only does this bring the risk of halting production and losing out on revenue, but it can lead to serious injuries, and even deaths.

    This is why OSHA is extremely cautious with handling explosive dust. Make sure your employees are aware of the risk and dangers of combustible dust. Cleaning combustible dust does not have to be challenging; contact us to handle your flammable dust. PROAC has the tools, knowledge, and experience to get the job done safely, effectively, and quickly. Because explosive dust removal requires specialized tools, technical skills, and safety equipment, you will want professional cleaning services from PROAC to get it done best.

    Articles About Industrial Cleaning Services

    Contact PROAC For Professional Explosive Dust Removal Services

    We want to help you manage your facilities and keep them clean of dust build up. Our business performs effective cleaning and building maintenance so your employees are safe and your facilities can operate at maximum efficiency. Contact us today to remove flammable dust from your manufacturing facility.

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