Man sweating in office because the AC isn't working.

Why Isn’t The Office Air Conditioning Working?

It is so hot in the office! Why won’t they turn the air conditioning on? Maybe they did, but it isn’t working effectively, or even worse, one floor is roasting while the other feels like a walk-in freezer. Having a temperamental HVAC unit for your office, school, or hospital can be aggravating for your employees and your customers. We have the solutions to fix your business’s AC unit so you can return to work in a comfortable environment.

Why Is The Office So Hot?

Unusual smells, hot air, and strange noises from your HVAC system may indicate your workspace isn’t being properly cooled. Working air conditioning is essential to keep employees cool during warmer months and maintain consistent room temperature for quality control purposes. Employee comfort and product quality are crucial to ensure smooth business operations, so finding out the root of the problem when your air conditioning isn’t working is the first step towards regaining a comfortable workspace.

Common Reasons An Office AC Isn’t Working

Improper Thermostat Settings: Although it may seem intuitive, the settings may have been changed on the office thermostat. If the thermostat is not set to “cool” or has accidentally been turned off, your system won’t be blowing cool air.

  • Condenser Issues: If the air in your commercial space is not being properly cooled, there could be a problem with your system’s condenser. A coil could need repair or replacement, a leak may be present, or a clogged filter needs to be changed. Any of these condenser issues can prevent your system from cooling air efficiently by restricting airflow or reducing necessary heat absorption.
  • Damaged AC Coil: If your air conditioning coil is broken or damaged, this can completely halt the effective cooling of your business’s air. Contact us to repair your HVAC coils.
  • Problems with Airflow: HVAC filters clogged with dirt and debris block airflow throughout your system and prevent cool air from reaching the entire building. For optimized airflow, filters should be replaced regularly.
  • Insufficient Maintenance: Most issues with commercial air conditioning arise from neglected system maintenance. When your HVAC system is not properly cleaned and maintained, it is more vulnerable to breakdowns and expensive repairs.

Office Air Conditioning Troubleshooting Tips

Determining why your office’s AC unit isn’t working well can be difficult. At PROAC we have experience repairing AC units and providing routine HVAC maintenance so you never have down time like this again. Contact us to fix your air conditioning or feel free to try troubleshooting the air conditioning problem yourself:

  • Double check the thermostat: Check to ensure the thermostat is set to the correct settings. In order to efficiently cool your workspace, the thermostat must be set to “cool” with an appropriate temperature setting.
  • Inspect air filters: Check your system’s air filters to make sure they are clean and free of any clogs. If the filters are very dirty and prevent proper airflow, it’s time for them to be replaced.
  • Look for any visible leaks: Check to see if any ducts are leaking, or if there are any leaks in the condenser and coils. If it is a refrigerant leak, it is essential to contact a HVAC professional to diagnose the leak and recharge the refrigerant – a chemical that is essential to cooling air, but can be hazardous outside the HVAC system.
  • Contact the professionals: Not sure why your office air conditioning still isn’t working? Reach out to experienced HVAC professionals to diagnose the problem and get your system back up and running.

Keep Your Business’s AC Running Smoothly

The best way to ensure your employees stay cool and comfortable is to follow a regular system maintenance schedule. How often you should have your HVAC system serviced depends on the type of business environment it operates in. It is recommended that commercial HVAC systems be cleaned and inspected by professionals at least once a year. For business environments with large amounts of dust, pollutants, or hazardous toxins, HVAC systems should be serviced by professionals on a more frequent basis.

Contact PROAC To Repair Your AC System

We would love to make your building comfortable for the summer. Contact us to repair your AC units or HVAC system. We provide regular service and repair for your commercial building’s air conditioning.